Mirzoev,Azer vs. Rasulov,Vugar - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 0-1
In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 2025.02.03, Mirzoev played a bold move, Qxb6, which followed a capture. This led to a material gain for White, putting pressure on Black's position.
This move threatened to win a valuable piece and gained a tempo advantage, as it allowed White to control the center of the board.
However, rather than seizing this opportunity, Mirzoev chose to ignore the superior threat chance and instead focused on free movement.
By doing so, he forced Rasulov to make a piece move, which might have revealed a larger attack on another piece. Instead, Black missed the chance to exchange pieces in a favorable way.
Mirzoev's move also developed his queen for active play, putting it at the forefront of White's attacking forces.
Unfortunately, this move fails to develop other pieces effectively and does not better escape from potential attacks. The knight is now relatively well defended but may have been protected better if some other pieces had been developed.
The move itself pins Rasulov's piece, potentially creating a fork that could attack multiple pieces at once. However, Mirzoev overlooked the chance to develop other pieces in support of this attack.
Overall, the Qxb6 move was a significant step for White in the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 2025.02.03.
[Date "2025.02.03"]