Mgeladze,Kesaria vs. Kirtadze,Anastasia - 82nd GEO-ch Women 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 82nd GEO-ch Women chess tournament on February 5, 2025, White player Mgeladze made the move dxc5 against Black player Kirtadze. This exchange eliminates an attacking piece for Black, indicating a strategic shift in the position. By sacrificing material, White gains equalization and neutralizes an opponent's advantage. The move also leaves a piece without defenders, which may lead to its capture by Black. Furthermore, this exchange allows Black's opponent piece to potentially be kicked out or moved elsewhere. Notably, White had missed the opportunity to escape an attack that could have been launched on their own position if they had played differently. Additionally, the move prevents White from developing a piece for active play in other parts of the board. However, dxc5 does develop the queen's pawn, setting the stage for future activity on the c-file and potentially creating new attacking opportunities.
[Date "2025.02.05"]