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Melia,Salome vs. Narva,Mai - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, player Salome made a move with her black pieces, playing Nxg2. This move resulted in gaining material by capturing White's queen, which is a significant advantage for Black. However, it also led to White being able to develop their knight for active play, putting pressure on Black's position. Salome missed the opportunity to defend an unprotected piece more effectively and instead focused on occupying a strategic outpost that could become a strong point in her position. Unfortunately, this move did not provide better protection for underdefended pieces, leaving them vulnerable to potential attacks from White. By playing Nxg2, Salome took advantage of a better escape route for the White knight but failed to prevent it from becoming active and posing a threat to her own position. On the other hand, Melia's move allowed her to develop a piece for active play, which can be a strong asset in the blitz format where rapid development is crucial. By capturing White's queen, Salome secured material that could help compensate for any potential weaknesses in her position.
[Date "2024.12.30"]