Maravic,Ivan vs. Grgantov,Marin - 29th Bosnjaci Open 2025 1-0
In the 29th Bosnjaci Open 2025 event on January 6, 2025, Ivan Maravic played with white pieces against Marin Grgantov playing with black pieces. The move Rc8, made by Marin, resulted in losing material in exchange for a less favorable outcome. This was achieved by sacrificing a rook in exchange for something more valuable. By playing Rc8, Marin ignored the potential threat to her king that this move might have posed. However, she did well defend the piece afterwards.
The underdefended piece is now protected from further attack thanks to Ivan's decision. Unfortunately, it was not better protected by avoiding an opponent's attack on a square next to it. The rook was used as part of a tactic that blocks his opponent's position in that part of the board and prevents their advance into this area.
However, the rook captured an open file, giving it mobility but also creating potential weaknesses elsewhere on the board. This move didn't allow for further development and activation of the piece. The piece was developed though, allowing it to participate actively in the game.
The move Rc8 is considered a blunder by chess experts as it does not take into consideration better options for defending the under-defended piece at that time.
[Date "2025.01.06"]