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Manteiga,Franco vs. Zaruski,Julio - 8th Montevideo Open 2025 1-0

In the 8th Montevideo Open 2025 on 2025.02.04, Franco made a move that raised questions about strategy: Qc5 by Black. This move allowed Julio Zaruski to miss developing his queen for active play and potentially threatening the opponent's position. By moving the queen to c5, Franco created an opportunity for his opponent, Manteiga, to kick the piece, which could have been a stronger defensive maneuver. However, the move also made it difficult for Black to pin down the opponent's piece against their king, as the queen is now somewhat exposed. The game is still unfolding, but this single move already shows that Franco may be struggling with piece mobility and development, particularly in relation to his bishops. It seems that the best way for Franco would be to develop his queenside pieces more effectively or protect a less defended piece with it. Unfortunately, the queen's position now makes it harder to defend against certain attacks.
[Date "2025.02.04"]