Manko,Mariia vs. Alekseenko,Mariya - FIDE WYCC G18 2024 1/2-1/2
In the game between Mariia Manko and Mariya Alekseenko at the FIDE WYCC G18 2024 event on October 31, 2024, the move Qc7 played by Black was notable for several reasons. This move creates a tactical opportunity by attacking multiple pieces simultaneously, effectively establishing a fork. However, it overlooks a superior threat that could have been exploited. Additionally, the move misses an opportunity to reveal an attack on an opponent's piece, as well as a chance to compel a response from White. Furthermore, it neglects the possibility of capturing on an open file and does not take advantage of better piece advancement strategies. While it does contribute to active play by developing a piece, it fails to capitalize on the potential for further development. Overall, Qc7 is a complex move that balances offensive and defensive considerations but ultimately leaves room for improvement in strategic execution.