Manafov,Vugar vs. Iskandarov,Misratdin - Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 1/2-1/2
In the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 02.01.2025, between Manafov Vugar playing with white pieces and Iskandarov Misratdin playing with black pieces, the move e4 was made by White. This move allows White to develop a piece for active play.
Misses opportunity to threaten, because it doesn't challenge Black's central pawn structure immediately.
Misses chance to reveal attack on piece, as it doesn't explicitly announce an intention to put pressure on Black's position.
Misses chance to escape attack, since by making e4 White is actually committing to a specific strategic direction that may expose itself to counterplay from Black.
However, Develops piece for active play, which means the pawn move prepares the way for future development of other pieces and creates potential for quick development.
Note: The event mentioned was the Azerbaijan Championship Men 2025 on 02.01.2025, between Manafov Vugar playing with white pieces and Iskandarov Misratdin playing with black pieces.
[Date "2025.02.01"]