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Manafov,Vugar vs. Fressinet,Laurent - FIDE Open World Blitz 2024 0-1

In the FIDE Open World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, Vugar Manafov played a move that would be analyzed for its strategic implications. The move c5 is characterized by a focus on equality, aiming for a balanced position rather than creating a strong initiative. However, this approach misses an opportunity to launch a direct attack and instead chooses to trade pieces, potentially allowing Laurent Fressinet to equalize without being fully committed to the complexity of the position. Furthermore, White's decision ignores the superior threat chance presented by Black, which could have been seized upon to create a strong advantage. The move c5 also proposes an immediate piece exchange, but this comes at the cost of missing the chance to reveal potential attacks on key pieces, leaving Black to remain vigilant and unchallenged. Moreover, the move fails to provide an opportunity for White to escape a potential attack, as Black can now counter-attack without hesitation.
[Date "2024.12.30"]