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Mamedjarova,Zeinab vs. Muzychuk,Mariya - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, White player Mamedjarova made the move Rc6, which is characterized by several critical decisions. Mamedjarova chose to play a straightforward and aggressive pawn push, threatening material gain without considering a more nuanced threat assessment. However, this move ignores the possibility of a superior attacking chance against Black's position, potentially missing an opportunity to reveal a larger attack on a piece. Furthermore, the move forces Mariya Muzychuk to respond with her queen, diverting attention away from other parts of the board and limiting her options for counterplay. Mamedjarova fails to seize a winning tempo, as the pawn push does not create a strong initiative that can be built upon. Moreover, the move misses an opportunity to better escape from attack by preparing a more solid pawn structure in the center. Additionally, Mamedjarova overlooks a chance to defend an unprotected piece on c6 by playing the move Rc6, putting it at risk of being captured by Black's pieces. Despite this, the bishop is now well defended and has a relatively safe position. Mamedjarova also misses better protection for the underdefended c-pawn in her next moves, failing to provide sufficient support. Furthermore, she overlooks a chance for a favorable material exchange, potentially weakening her pawn structure without gaining a clear advantage. Moreover, Mamedjarova's move Rc6 misses the opportunity to force Mariya Muzychuk to make an enemy move, gaining valuable insight into Black's plans. Additionally, Mamedjarova fails to develop her piece more actively in the center of the board, missing a chance for stronger counterplay. However, by playing Rc6, she does develop her piece and prepare it for active play.
[Date "2024.12.30"]