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Mamedjarova,Zeinab vs. Allahverdiyeva,Ayan - Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 1/2-1/2

In the game between Mamedjarova (Zeinab) and Allahverdiyeva (Ayan) in the Azerbaijan-ch-Women-2025 event on 02.05.2025, Zeinab played the move Nxa2 as Black. This move threatens to capture material from Ayan's position, which could be a significant development for her game. By moving her knight to xa2, Zeinab ignores the stronger threat that Ayan has, allowing her opponent to maintain control of the center. The move also frees up Zeinab's knight, potentially preparing it for future attacks or piece exchanges. On the other hand, Zeinab's move could be seen as proposing a potential equalization through a piece trade, but this does not seem to be an optimal choice given Ayan's position. Furthermore, by moving her knight to xa2, Zeinab reveals that she has a blocked attack on the queenside, which may give Ayan additional insight into her strategy. However, it appears that Zeinab misses an opportunity to reveal her full attack plan earlier in the game. The move Nxa2 also forces Ayan to respond and potentially move one of her pieces to counter-attack, which could have been avoided if she had taken advantage of a different opportunity to develop her piece earlier. By capturing material on the a-file, Zeinab occupies an important outpost that could be crucial for her future attacks. Nonetheless, it seems that Zeinab misses several favorable opportunities to gain a better material exchange or escape Ayan's attack. Overall, while Nxa2 is a relatively free move, it does not seem to provide Zeinab with the most advantageous position in the game at this point.
[Date "2025.02.05"]