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Mamedjarova,Turkan vs. Wagner,Dinara - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 0-1

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on 2024.12.30, Mamedjarova played a move that eliminated an attacking piece, gaining a material advantage by sacrificing one of her own pieces. However, this came at the cost of immediately losing material in exchange. The move also missed an opportunity to threaten, as it did not put pressure on Wagner's position or create any significant threats. Instead, Mamedjarova ignored a potentially stronger threat chance and instead focused on developing one of her pieces for active play. Notably, this move also missed the chance to reveal an attack on a piece, allowing Wagner to prepare a defense. Furthermore, Mamedjarova sacrificed better bishop mobility by advancing her bishop to g5, which may have been better utilized earlier in the game. The move did create a fork, attacking multiple pieces, but Mamedjarova failed to capitalize on this opportunity and instead missed chances to force an enemy move or improve material exchange. The pawn on g5 was now well defended, potentially limiting its value for future use. It's also worth noting that Mamedjarova missed better protection for her underdefended piece by advancing it to g5 without adequate support. Additionally, the move did not lead to a favorable material exchange and may have left Wagner with an opportunity to play on an outpost. Ultimately, the move allowed Wagner to kick one of Mamedjarova's pieces out of the way, creating a slightly more favorable position for her opponent.
[Date "2024.12.30"]