Maltsevskaya,Aleksandra vs. Guillo Longares,Cecilia - European Women Rapid-ch 2024 1-0
In the European Women Rapid-ch 2024 event on 2025.01.11, Aleksandra Maltsevskaya played a move that marked a turning point in the game. She responded to Cecilia Guillo Longares' Rxa3 with her own move, sacrificing material and gaining a free piece. This move allowed Guillo Longares to kick Maltsevskaya's rook forward, potentially weakening her pawn structure.
However, instead of developing another piece for active play, Maltsevskaya chose to focus on this single move, ignoring the opportunity to develop one of her other pieces. By doing so, she missed a chance to challenge Guillo Longares' position and create counterplay.
[Date "2025.01.11"]