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Makaraci, Tunahan vs. Fernandez Guillen, Ernesto J. - September 03 Late 2024 0-1

In the game between Tunahan Makaraci (playing white) and Ernesto J. Fernandez Guillen on September 3, 2024, Makaraci played the move bxc3. This capture eliminates Fernandez Guillen's attacking piece on c3, potentially winning material for Makaraci. However, it also leaves Makaraci's b-pawn vulnerable, as it is now undefended. The move ignores the opportunity to develop Makaraci's pieces more actively. While it retakes the captured pawn on c3, it misses better chances to advance Makaraci's pieces and create threats against Fernandez Guillen's position. The move also allows Fernandez Guillen to potentially kick Makaraci's pieces with future moves. Despite these drawbacks, bxc3 remains a common response in this position, as it maintains control of the center and prevents Fernandez Guillen from further developing his pieces on that square.
[Date "2024.09.03"]