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Maharjan,Suroj vs. Rai,Dhiren - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 1-0

During the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on January 26, 2025, between players Maharjan Suroj (white) and Rai Dhiren (black), the move Rxb3 was played by Black. This capture move gains tempo advantage for Black, as it takes away one of White's attacking possibilities. The move also puts pressure on White to respond immediately, forcing them to make a move that may not be ideal. Additionally, it sets up the potential for further attacks against White's position. However, in doing so, Black loses material and opens up the possibility of counter-attacks by White. Furthermore, Rxb3 leaves one of Black's pieces without sufficient defenders, making it vulnerable to attack. Notably, this move does not seem to reveal a clear plan for attacking White's position or developing other pieces for active play. By playing Rxb3, Black is essentially missing an opportunity to create space and develop their pieces more effectively. Overall, the move Rxb3 is a complex strategic decision that requires careful consideration of the potential consequences and responses from White.
[Date "2025.01.26"]