Maharjan,Prem Krishna vs. Thapa,Binay - 25th Nepal Championship 2025 1-0
In the 25th Nepal Championship 2025 on 2025.01.29, Prem Krishna Maharjan played a strategic move c5 against Binay Thapa. This pawn move is characterized by forcing an opponent's piece to move, thereby creating a temporary imbalance in the position of the game. It also allows for the potential "kick" of an opponent's piece that may be poised to attack. Furthermore, this move gains a tempo advantage, giving Black a slight edge over White in terms of movement and development. Additionally, it proposes a possible equal trade of pieces at some point in the future, where both sides would exchange pawns or other pieces to regain material equality. However, this move also somewhat misses the opportunity for Thapa to escape any potential attack that may be launched against him shortly after c5 is played, leaving him slightly exposed. On the positive side, it develops a key piece - likely the knight or bishop on c8 - for active play in the game ahead.
[Date "2025.01.29"]