Maharjan,Angel vs. Prasain,Punam - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 0-1
In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 game between Maharjan, Angel (white) and Prasain, Punam (black), on January 28, 2025, White played a move that is characterized by "Forces opponent piece move" - this move forces Black to potentially move their piece. Additionally, the Rook is positioned behind a passed pawn, which suggests that it could be used to block or support the advancing pawn. Notably, this move misses the opportunity to push the passed pawn forward, allowing it to potentially gain more space and control on the board. On the other hand, White's Rook gains a tempo advantage by moving it away from its starting position, which can create long-term benefits. As the Rook occupies 7th rank, it is now poised to influence the center of the board. Furthermore, this move misses the chance to develop another piece on the board, potentially creating more attacking possibilities. Nevertheless, the move does develop the Rook for active play, preparing it for future maneuvers.
[Date "2025.01.28"]