Lumachi,Gabriele vs. Di Benedetto,Edoardo - 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 1/2-1/2
In the 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 chess match between Lumachi,Gabriele (white) and Di Benedetto,Edoardo (black), on December 30, 2024, a questionable move was made: Qe8.
Lumachi unnecessarily sacrifices material by moving the queen to this square.
The queen is now positioned without adequate defensive support.
It would have been better for Lumachi to consider an alternative move that provided more protection for her piece.
The move does not effectively threaten Di Benedetto, as it does not utilize the full potential of the queen's capabilities.
In doing so, Lumachi fails to take advantage of the active play opportunities available to her piece.
Instead, she develops the queen, positioning it in a way that allows for future development and active play.
The move is well defended by Di Benedetto, as the black player can now plan their counterattack with relative ease.
[Date "2024.12.30"]