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Lima,Kleyton Alcantara vs. Guimaraes,Diogo Duarte - 2nd Sampa STD Open 2025 1-0

In the 2nd Sampa STD Open 2025 chess game between Lima and Guimaraes on February 1, 2025, player Lima played a critical move with her white pieces: Nxe4. This follow-up capture of the knight moves eliminates the opponent's attacking piece, thereby winning material and simplifying the position. By playing Nxe4, Guimaraes actually loses an opportunity to develop one of his pieces, as this move diverts attention from developing other parts of their army. However, Lima has gained a strategic advantage by occupying an important outpost. This central square now belongs to her knight, giving it more influence and mobility. The move also opens the possibility for Guimaraes to kick out the opponent's piece that was captured.
[Date "2025.02.01"]