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Le, Tuan Minh vs. Carlsen, Magnus - Main Event 0-1

In the game between Tuan Minh Le and Magnus Carlsen on July 26, 2024, during the Main Event, the move 1. Bf3 played by White is notable for several reasons. This move does not create an immediate threat or pressure on Black's position, missing the chance to prompt a response from Carlsen. It also fails to leverage an opportunity to attack a vulnerable piece, thereby losing a potential advantage. Additionally, this move neglects the possibility of exploiting an open file or capturing a piece that might have been more impactful. While 1. Bf3 does develop the bishop, it does so in a manner that does not significantly enhance White’s position or tempo in the game. Instead of creating active play, it may be considered a missed chance to force Black into a less desirable position.

[Date "2024.07.26"]