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Lagno,Kateryna vs. Yip,Carissa - FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 on December 31, 2024, between Kateryna Lagno playing with white pieces versus Carissa Yip playing with black pieces, a notable move was made by Black: Nxc4. This move wins material from White and occupies an important outpost, as it allows for quick development of the knight. However, it fails to ignore superior threats, as White could have launched a successful attack. By proposing equal piece trade, Black misses the opportunity to escape from the potential attack, which would have required White to sacrifice material. Meanwhile, White's position reveals a blocked attack that is now being neutralized by the c4 pawn, allowing for more dynamic play to come. Overall, the move Nxc4 is characterized as developing a piece for active play.
[Date "2024.12.31"]