Lagno,Kateryna vs. Paehtz,Elisabeth - FIDE Women GP Monaco 2024-25 1-0
In the game between Kateryna Lagno playing with white pieces versus Elisabeth Pähtz playing with black pieces in the FIDE Women's GP Monaco 2024-25 event on February 21, 2025, the move Ncd7 was made by Black.
This move puts a piece at risk, potentially leading to its loss. By moving the piece, Black is also opening up a pathway for White's attack. The piece is now exposed and lacks any defending pieces to safeguard it.
Instead of focusing on counterattacking against White's superior threat, Black chose not to explore other possibilities that could have led to a better outcome. Furthermore, the sacrifice of this piece seems unwarranted in the current situation. The move also fails to provide an escape route for Black from the impending attack.
The piece is now developed and prepared for active play, but its development may not be the most effective use of time considering the overall position.
[Date "2025.02.21"]