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Lagno,Kateryna vs. Danielian,Elina - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, between Kateryna Lagno (White) and Elina Danielian (Black), a notable move was played by Black: Qxe4. This move is characterized by threatening material win, as it aims to gain an advantage over the opponent's position. The move also creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces. By exchanging queens, both players are opening up lines for their rooks and potentially creating a weakness on the board. However, in this specific case, Black may have ignored a superior threat chance elsewhere on the board, choosing instead to focus on gaining material. Furthermore, playing Qxe4 can be seen as losing material in exchange, as it sacrifices one of its queens without guaranteeing an immediate gain. The move also misses an opportunity to develop another piece for active play and potentially create more threats. The game is still unfolding, but this particular move has the potential to alter the course of the game in favor of Black.
[Date "2024.12.30"]