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Lage,Pedro Ferreira vs. Hoffman,Alejandro - Brazil Chess Series Floripa 2025 0-1

In the Brazil Chess Series Floripa 2025 on 2025.01.22, White player Pedro Ferreira made the move Qd5 with his queen. This pawn push ignores a significant threat from Black's position and instead focuses on developing one of his queens. The move misses out on better mobility for the bishop, which could have been utilized to control more squares in the center of the board. Furthermore, it also overlooks the potential benefits of exchanging pieces favorably with Black. By playing Qd5, Ferreira allows Black's opponent, Alejandro Hoffman, to kick his queen away from attacking a vulnerable piece, making it harder for White to defend. The move does defend one attacked piece but at the cost of failing to provide better protection for an underdefended piece. The pawn push on d5 develops the queen for active play and puts pressure on Black's position, potentially creating opportunities for counterplay in the future. However, this development comes at the expense of missing out on favorable material exchanges with Black.
[Date "2025.01.22"]