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Kulon,Klaudia vs. Balajayeva,Khanim - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, Kulon played Qf6, a move by Black. This choice ignores a significant threat from White's position, instead opting to defend a piece that is already under attack. By moving the queen to f6, Black allows White's opponent piece (presumably the knight) to potentially kick it out of the way on the next move, which could create an advantage for White. However, this decision also happens to be a solid defensive play that protects the attacked piece and makes it harder for White to launch a successful attack against it. Furthermore, while developing the queen is generally considered advantageous in chess, Qf6 does not make full use of its potential to do so, as it fails to capture an open file, which could have been a great opportunity to gain a significant advantage. Nevertheless, by playing Qf6, Black successfully pins White's piece against its king, creating a challenge for the opponent. Overall, this move can be seen as a strategic choice that balances defense with some missed opportunities for active play development. It is worth noting that Qf6 does develop the queen and prepares it for future active play by bringing it closer to the center of the board.
[Date "2024.12.30"]