Krishna C R G vs. Mahitosh Dey - SixDays Budapest IM-A 11-2024 1-0
In the event SixDays Budapest IM-A 11-2024 on 2024.11.24 between Krishna C R G playing with white pieces versus Mahitosh Dey playing with black pieces, Black's move Bd7 can be described as a capture move that puts pressure on White's position. This move gains a tempo advantage by advancing the bishop and preparing to potentially develop other pieces more actively. It also misses opportunities for better material exchanges or piece advancements.
The move forces White to make a response, which could lead to further complications in the position. However, it is worth noting that the bishop on d7 does miss out on optimal mobility options and potential escapes from attacks. Nevertheless, developing the bishop for active play is a clear intention behind this move.
[Date "2024.11.24"]