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Kracht,Raphael vs. Wagner,Benjamin - Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 1-0

In the Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 event on November 30, 2024, between players Kracht and Wagner, Raphael played the move Nc4 with white pieces against Benjamin's black pieces. This move involves capturing a piece, which can lead to an imbalance in the position. Raphael opted to ignore a potential threat to his pawn structure, choosing instead to focus on developing his knight. By doing so, he enhanced his knight's influence and gained control of a crucial outpost. However, this move also left Wagner with the opportunity to kick the knight off the c4 square, potentially disrupting Black's central presence. Furthermore, by playing Nc4, Raphael missed the chance to escape an attack that could have put pressure on his position. Despite this, the move did develop the knight, positioning it for active play in the coming moves.
[Date "2024.11.30"]