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Koutsionas,Athanasios vs. Zacharakis,Ilias - 16th Greek Youth Team-ch 2024 0-1

In the 16th Greek Youth Team-ch chess game between Koutsionas,Athanasios (white) and Zacharakis,Ilias (black), played on November 30, 2024, the move Rxd2 was made by white. This capture eliminates an attacking piece. It also results in a loss of material for white, as they gave up their rook to do so. Furthermore, this move ignores a potentially stronger threat and misses an opportunity to advance a pawn. White allows black's piece to kick back and potentially gain counterplay. Additionally, by taking the captured piece, white fails to secure better protection for the now-exposed underdefended piece. Ultimately, this move sets up forced checkmate, which continues unchecked due to white's missed defensive chances.
[Date "2024.11.30"]