Kosteniuk,Alexandra vs. Roebers,Eline - European Women Blitz-ch 2024 1-0
In the European Women Blitz-ch 2024 on January 10, 2025, Kosteniuk played the move Bxf6+, which eliminates a black attacking piece. This maneuver wins material for White, resulting in an equal trade. The bishop is left without any defenders after this move, indicating that it has become somewhat isolated from its own army.
By playing Bxf6+, Kosteniuk is sacrificing a valuable pawn to gain more mobility with the bishop. However, he also misses the opportunity to develop the bishop further and potentially threaten Black's position more directly.
The move does occupy an important outpost for White, as the long diagonal is now open to the bishop. This development could be beneficial in the future if Kosteniuk can coordinate his pieces effectively.
[Date "2025.01.10"]