Korobov,Anton vs. Natsidis,Christoph - Marienbad Open GM 2025 1-0
In the Marienbad Open GM 2025 on January 21st, Anton Korobov played a move that started with his bishop moving to the eighth rank [Bd8] from the starting position, which followed a capture move. This strategic decision missed an opportunity to threaten more effectively, opting instead for a safer approach.
By playing this move, Korobov ignored a superior threat chance and thus gave Natsidis, Christoph an opening to counterattack. At the same time, he overlooked a favorable piece exchange that could have provided better material balance in the game.
The move also prevented Natsidis from escaping an attack on his piece, and it limited Korobov's ability to develop another underdefended piece more effectively. Nevertheless, playing this move resulted in Korobov's bishop being well defended.
It is worth noting that by moving his bishop to the eighth rank, Korobov blocked a potential opponent attack, although he may have missed other opportunities to force Natsidis into a response. Overall, Korobov's decision to develop his piece for active play was an attempt to take part in the overall game strategy rather than just focusing on his own piece development.
[Date "2025.01.21"]