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Kohler,Emma vs. Roeder,Phillip - Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 0-1

In the Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 on November 30, 2024, White player Emma made a move with her Queen from d1 to d8. This followed a capture move, but instead of pushing forward, it halted progress. The Queen's position now missed an opportunity to threaten the opponent's piece, potentially gaining a strategic advantage. Furthermore, the Queen's movement failed to reveal any potential attack on its own piece, leaving it vulnerable. Additionally, this move resulted in missing a favorable piece exchange, where White could have gained a material advantage by exchanging one of their pieces for Black's. It also allowed the opponent's piece to kick, giving Black an opportunity to counterattack. The Queen's movement was not effective in escaping an attack, as it still left itself exposed to potential threats. Moreover, this move missed an opportunity to exchange materials in a way that would have benefited White. Finally, the Queen's development for active play was hindered by its position after d8.
[Date "2024.11.30"]