Khurtsilava,Inga vs. Kalandadze,Mariam - 82nd GEO-ch Women 2025 1-0
In the 82nd GEO-ch Women 2025 chess match between Khurtsilava, Inga (white) and Kalandadze, Mariam (black), on February 4, 2025, Black played a move that seemed to be an attempt at active play. However, it ultimately missed its opportunity to threaten the opponent's position. Specifically, Rg4 was developed for active play, but it did not reveal any attack on the piece itself, and instead pinned the opponent's piece. This pinning action prevented Black from gaining a tactical advantage. Unfortunately for Black, the move also ignored the superior threat chance that would have been created by playing a different move, thus missing its chance to develop the piece in a more effective way.
Note: I rephrased the characterizations as requested while maintaining their original meaning and essence.
[Date "2025.02.04"]