Khotenashvili,Bella vs. Sahithi Varshini M - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 0-1
In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 on December 30, 2024, player Bella, playing with white pieces, made a key move by advancing her King two spaces to e2. This capture move gains tempo advantage for White as it quickly opens up the board and puts pressure on Black's position.
The move threatens material win by putting Black's Queen in a vulnerable position, making it difficult for them to defend against potential attacks.
By moving her King forward, Bella also allows Black's piece to be kicked away from its strong central square, potentially creating an imbalance in the position. However, this move fails to provide better escape options for White's pieces caught in attack and misses the chance to defend unprotected pieces.
On the other hand, moving the King two spaces helps to defend the attacked piece by putting it behind a more solid defensive barrier, making it harder for Black to launch a successful counterattack.
Unfortunately, this move doesn't offer any better protection for underdefended pieces, which are still exposed and vulnerable to attack.
[Date "2024.12.30"]