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Khotenashvili,Bella vs. Mamedjarova,Zeinab - FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 1-0

In the FIDE Women World Blitz 2024 event on December 30, 2024, White player Khotenashvili played the move Rxf5, capturing material. This follow-up capture eliminates the opponent's piece but fails to threaten any additional squares. The white piece is now freed from potential danger. However, instead of attacking an opponent's piece that was previously underdefended, Khotenashvili misses the opportunity to reveal a larger attack on that piece. By defending this attacked piece, Khotenashvili has actually made it better defended. Furthermore, Rxf5 blocks the opponent's potential attack on White's own pieces and creates a fork, attacking multiple of Black's pieces at once. Unfortunately, the move also misses the chance to develop another piece for active play. Overall, playing Rxf5 does develop Khotenashvili's piece for future action.
[Date "2024.12.30"]