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Khalil, Hanan vs. Al Maamari, Wafia Darwish - UAE Women 0-1

In the game between Khalil and Al Maamari during the UAE Women event on July 10, 2024, black played the move Qxa4. This move aims to capture a piece on the a4 square, posing a direct threat and potentially gaining material advantage. It also eliminates an attacking piece that might have been targeting black's position. By seizing material, this move disrupts the balance of material on the board, potentially leaving a piece on a4 without sufficient defense. However, it does not capitalize on other tactical opportunities that may have been available, such as capturing free material or revealing an attack on another piece. Despite these considerations, Qxa4 develops the queen to an active square, possibly setting the stage for future tactical interplay.

[Date "2024.07.10"]