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Karmanova,Olga Dm. vs. Sukiasyan,Vahe A. - 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 1-0

In the 15th Margaryan Memorial-IM 2025 chess game on January 10, 2025, between Olga Dm. Karmanova (white) and Vahe A. Sukiasyan (black), a significant move was made by Black: Rxc1. This move eliminates an attacking piece, thereby neutralizing a potential threat against the king. By capturing the white rook on c1, Black gains a material advantage but also leaves one of its own pieces without defenders, potentially creating vulnerability. The move is also characterized as forcing White to move a piece, which may have been desirable for Black. Additionally, this exchange gives Black a tempo advantage, as it allows them to develop their position more quickly. However, it's worth noting that by exchanging material, Sukiasyan misses the opportunity to escape from an attack or defend his own unprotected pieces better. Nevertheless, the move still holds some strategic value, such as pinning White's rook against its king and creating a fork that attacks multiple pieces.
[Date "2025.01.10"]