Karacsonyi,Kata vs. Kiremitciyan,Ari - SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 1/2-1/2
In the event SixDays Budapest January IM-A 2025 on 2025.01.28, Karacsonyi,Kata played a move that advances the d-pawn with d5, significantly altering the dynamics of the position.
This move allows for active play in the center and can potentially create space for future development. However, it also misses an opportunity to push the passed pawn further down the board, which could have further increased its influence on the game.
Additionally, by not playing c4 or a similar move, Karacsonyi,Kata creates an opening for Black's pieces to kick into play, potentially catching them off guard and gaining a strategic advantage.
By developing the dark-squared bishop with d5, Karacsonyi,Kata misses the chance to develop other pieces more aggressively and launch a counterattack on the queenside.
[Date "2025.01.28"]