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Kantor,Nikita vs. Hines,Leon G - Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 1-0

In the Deutsche Unimeisterschaft 2024 on November 30, 2024, between players Kantor, Nikita (white) and Hines, Leon G (black), the move Qxf3 was played by Black. This capture move eliminates an attacking piece, gaining material and leaving a piece without defenders. By playing this move, Black allows their opponent to potentially kick back with one of their pieces. However, it's worth noting that this capture also fails to better escape from attack. Moreover, it misses the opportunity to defend the unprotected piece on f3, which is now well defended by the Queen's sacrifice. The actual move Qxf3 creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces, but Black missed the chance to develop their piece more actively before making this move. Nevertheless, it does develop the Queen for active play.
[Date "2024.11.30"]