Kalandadze,Mariam vs. Dzagnidze,Nana - 82nd GEO-ch Women 2025 0-1
In the 82nd GEO-ch Women 2025 event on February 5, 2025, White player Kalandadze made the move Nfd4 against Black player Dzagnidze. This followed a capture move. The move threatens to gain material. However, by playing this move, Kalandadze loses one piece in exchange. The move ignores the stronger potential threat on the board. Instead, it sacrifices the d4 pawn unnecessarily. Kalandadze proposes an equal trade of pieces, but fails to reveal the attack on a piece. A better option would be to develop a knight instead. By moving Nfd4, Kalandadze occupies an important outpost. Unfortunately, this move also fails to seize the winning tempo and defend attacked material effectively. The d4 pawn is now well defended against Black's attacks. However, it still lacks proper protection as part of a broader defensive strategy. Furthermore, by playing Nfd4, Kalandadze blocks an opponent attack. Finally, the move misses opportunities to force an enemy move or develop the piece for active play.
[Date "2025.02.05"]