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Kaewpitakkun,Pantham vs. Mitusov,Semen - 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-A 2024 0-1

In the 21st Open Gran Hotel Bali-A 2024 tournament on November 29, 2024, White player Kaewpitakkun played hxg5, a move that eliminates an attacking piece but fails to capitalize on material gain, as it misses the opportunity to threaten further and instead focuses solely on capturing material. This decision ignores the stronger threat posed by Black's position, which could have potentially led to more significant benefits for White. Furthermore, this move does not reveal any attack on a specific piece, leaving its status ambiguous. As a result of this move, the pawn now becomes a passed pawn, which can be vulnerable to counterplay from Black. Moreover, this decision allows Black to kick the pawn with their opponent's piece, rendering it less effective in the long run. Additionally, White misses the chance to provide better protection for an underdefended piece, potentially leaving it exposed to further attacks. The move also fails to capitalize on the opportunity to develop a piece for active play, instead focusing solely on material gain. However, by developing this piece, White can create more possibilities for counterplay and increase their chances of success in the game.
[Date "2024.11.29"]