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Kaciusis,Daniel vs. Lanzilotta,Filippo - 8th Montevideo Open 2025 0-1

In the 8th Montevideo Open 2025 on February 1st, 2025, between Daniel Kaciusis (white) and Filippo Lanzilotta (black), White played Nxf6+, a move that sacrificed material while gaining an advantage. This piece exchange eliminates an attacking piece for Black, but it also leaves White's own knight without a defender on f6. By playing this move, White fails to take better advantage of its threat chance and does not reveal the attack on Lanzilotta's knight. However, the sacrifice forces Lanzilotta to respond by moving one of his pieces, which gains White some tempo in the game. The move also develops White's piece for active play but misses an opportunity to further develop it. On the other hand, Nxf6+ now positions White's knight in a stronger defensive position. Unfortunately for White, this doesn't help protect its underdefended knight, as it still remains vulnerable to attack after the exchange. Moreover, the move creates a fork, attacking multiple of Black's pieces simultaneously, but Lanzilotta can still respond effectively. Overall, while Nxf6+ offers some advantages, it ultimately fails to capitalize on better protection for White's knight and also misses an opportunity to take advantage of its tempo gain.
[Date "2025.02.01"]