Ju,Wenjun vs. Gunina,Valentina - FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 1-0
In the FIDE Women World Blitz-KO 2024 event on 2024.12.31 between players Ju,Wenjun and Gunina,Valentina, the move Ne4+ by Black is a notable choice. Ne4+ puts pressure on White's position, but it could be argued that it doesn't directly threaten anything. The knight's move actually misses the opportunity to force an immediate response from White.
By playing Ne4+, Black does take control of an important outpost, which can potentially influence future moves in the game. However, the move also allows White to prepare a potential piece kick on Black's knight, taking away one of its defensive options. The pawn development aspect is not particularly noteworthy here as it neither advances nor retreats.
Furthermore, this move doesn't create a fork attacking multiple pieces, which would be an impressive tactical maneuver. Additionally, the knight's influence might seem enhanced at first glance, but it could also be seen as somewhat passive given that no direct attack is made on any opponent piece.
[Date "2024.12.31"]