Joshi,Sindira vs. Gurung,Sushila - 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 1/2-1/2
In the 10th Nepal Women Championship 2025 on January 28, Black player Gurung,Sushila made the move Qg3 against White player Joshi,Sindira. This move fails to capitalize on a strong attacking chance, instead opting for an equal exchange of pieces. It also overlooks the opportunity to reveal the attack on one of her own pieces and instead forces the opponent's piece into a defensive position. The move does not take advantage of a favorable material exchange, and instead proposes a trade that leaves both sides in a relatively balanced position. Furthermore, it fails to seize the winning tempo of the game and misses an opportunity to escape from the potential attack. Additionally, it neglects to protect the underdefended piece and instead defends the attacked piece, leaving it well protected but not significantly improved. The move also does not provide better protection for the previously underdefended piece and ultimately fails to deliver a significant advantage.
[Date "2025.01.28"]