Jessel,Stephen vs. Ramazzotte,Esther Zilli - BCS-Floripa Super Blitz 2025 1-0
In the BCS-Floripa Super Blitz 2025 event on 2025.01.22, a noteworthy chess move was played by Black player Esther Ramazzotte as she moved her Rook from Rac8.
This move allows for an immediate threat to material gain. The fact that it ignores a more superior threat chance might seem counterintuitive at first glance. By doing so, it forces White's piece to make a move, potentially altering their strategy. However, the potential benefits of developing this piece and its subsequent active play were overlooked.
On the other hand, the move does gain tempo advantage in the short term. This is because it opens up a file on which the Rook can potentially capture later. Nevertheless, there's also an opportunity to escape an attack that was made by White, but this seems to have been missed. Despite this, the piece has developed and is now active.
Overall, the move appears to be focused on material gain rather than long-term strategic advantages.
[Date "2025.01.22"]