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Javakhishvili,Lela vs. Berend,Elvira - European Women Blitz-ch 2024 1-0

In the European Women Blitz-ch 2024 event on 2025.01.10 between Javakhishvili,Lela (white) and Berend,Elvira (black), Lela plays a move that seems to be a strategic blunder. The move in question is Qh1, which allows Elvira to kick her opponent's queen's pawn with ease. This move fails to better escape from the attack on her position, indicating that Lela may have overextended her pieces without sufficient counterplay. Furthermore, by moving her queen to h1, she misses the opportunity to defend an unprotected piece that could potentially be attacked on the next turn. However, Lela does manage to defend her opponent's attacked piece, which is a positive development for Black. Nevertheless, this move also misses the chance to protect a piece that is significantly underdefended, leaving it vulnerable to further attacks. On the other hand, the queen's move at h1 does provide some protection for Lela's own pieces, particularly in terms of active play. Despite this, she fails to develop her piece in a more dynamic manner and instead chooses a move that doesn't bring significant benefits in terms of material exchange or improved defensive positioning. Overall, Lela's Qh1 move appears to be a cautious decision that prioritizes short-term protection over long-term strategic goals.
[Date "2025.01.10"]