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Israilov,Agil vs. Huseynov,Ahmed - Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 1-0

In the game between Israilov and Agil at the Azerbaijan-ch 1st League 2025 on January 6, 2025, White's move Nxd5 is a decisive play that aims to take control of the center of the board and gain an immediate material advantage. This move threatens to win material, as it puts pressure on Black's position. By playing Nxd5, White ignores the potential threat from Black's next move, choosing instead to focus on gaining an early advantage. However, this overlooks a chance to reveal an attack on Black's piece, which could have further complicated their position. The move forces Ahmed Huseynov's opponent to make a defensive response, as they must now address the impact of Nxd5 on their pawn structure. Furthermore, White develops one of their pieces in an active and aggressive manner, enhancing the influence of their knight. Unfortunately, this development does not necessarily gain tempo, as it may actually be counterproductive in the long run if Black is able to launch a successful counterattack. Moreover, by playing Nxd5, White fails to seize the winning tempo that could have been achieved with a more subtle approach. In contrast, Ahmed Huseynov had the opportunity to escape from this situation and put pressure on White's position, but he missed the chance to do so. By not forcing White to make a move, Black could have maintained a more fluid and flexible position. Moreover, Nxd5 actually creates a fork that attacks multiple pieces of White's side, which could potentially lead to complications for White's position. However, this advantage is not fully realized due to the lack of further development of other pieces. Lastly, playing Nxd5 does result in the development of one piece, but it does so at the cost of potential long-term strategic implications and a more balanced overall game.
[Date "2025.01.06"]