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Ishan Arjun P Y vs. Bawalekar,Jeetesh - 1st Konde Memorial 2025 1-0

In the 1st Konde Memorial 2025 chess game between Ishan Arjun P Y playing with white pieces versus Jeetesh Bawalekar playing with black pieces on 2025.02.02, a notable move made by Black was Qxe4. This move involved capturing material from White, but in return, it also gave up material itself. By doing so, the knight found itself without any defenders to protect it from potential attacks. Furthermore, this move missed an opportunity to escape a potentially attacking position, as it didn't create space for the knight to retreat or reposition itself safely. Additionally, the move passed on the chance to capture along an open file with the queen, which could have been a strong and straightforward way to develop the piece. The Qxe4 also pins the opponent's piece, forcing White to choose between capturing it or losing material. Specifically, this pin targets the piece attached to the king. It is worth noting that another possible consequence of this move was the creation of a fork, where two different pieces could be attacked simultaneously by the queen on e4, potentially putting pressure on both sides of the board. Lastly, it's also mentioned that this move didn't utilize the knight for active play and instead used it to capture material.
[Date "2025.02.02"]