Hovhannisyan,Mher vs. Cina`,Vittorio - 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 1/2-1/2
In the 13th Palmanova Festival A 2024 chess game between Mher Hovhannisyan (White) and Vittorio Cina (Black), on December 30, 2024, White makes a move by playing Qxb6. This decision ignores the opportunity to capture material more advantageously and instead proposes an equal piece trade, which may not be the most favorable position at this stage of the game.
The move gains tempo advantage for White but also allows Black's opponent piece to potentially kick back, which could pose future complications. Furthermore, by playing Qxb6, White misses the chance to develop a piece for active play and instead forces Black to make an immediate response with their piece.
Additionally, this move creates a fork that targets multiple pieces on both sides, but it also threatens imminent checkmate if Black does not carefully handle the situation. Despite gaining some temporary advantages, this choice may ultimately hinder White's long-term chances of winning.
[Date "2024.12.30"]