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Horvath,David vs. Vandan Alankar Sawai - SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 0-1

In the game between Horvath David and Vandan Alankar Sawai at SixDays Budapest January IM-B 2025 on 2025.01.26, White made a questionable move c7, which can be described as: The move leads to material loss in exchange for other benefits. It leaves the knight without any natural defenders, increasing its vulnerability to attack. Instead of addressing this weakness, the player ignores a potentially stronger threat from their opponent's piece. The move also gives up a pawn unnecessarily and advances the pawn on that square, which might have been better served by pushing it forward to gain more control over the center. Furthermore, the player misses an opportunity to exploit the opponent's position by kicking one of their pieces out of the way. Additionally, the move fails to develop another piece effectively for active play, potentially leading to a disadvantage in the long run. Overall, the c7 move can be seen as a misstep that compromises White's overall strategy.
[Date "2025.01.26"]