Haug,Mara vs. Leuchsenring,Christina - 2nd German Women BLS 2024-25 1-0
In the 2nd German Women BLS 2024-25 event on January 26, 2025, White player Haug played Qf4. This move threatens to gain material advantage by putting pressure on Black's position.
The game could have also been a good opportunity for an equal trade of pieces, but instead, it ignores the more powerful threat from the opponent.
By playing Qf4, White forces Black to make a piece move, which can lead to a tempo advantage in the long run.
However, Haug misses the chance to escape any potential attack by Black and instead puts their own queen in a somewhat exposed position.
On the other hand, the queen is well defended against Black's attacks.
It would have been a better idea for White to provide additional protection to an underdefended piece, rather than taking away the threat of another potentially vulnerable piece.
In this move, Haug creates a fork, attacking multiple pieces at once, which can be seen as a proactive and aggressive choice.
[Date "2025.01.26"]