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Haast, Anne vs. Duson, Robin - Dutch Women's Championship 1/2-1/2

In the Dutch Women's Championship on July 11, 2024, the game between Anne Haast and Robin Duson saw a critical move Ref1 by Haast, playing with the white pieces. This move opened the f-file, allowing the rook to capture an open file. It developed the rook for active play and effectively pinned one of Duson's pieces. However, this move had several drawbacks. Haast missed an opportunity to threaten Duson's position more aggressively and ignored a superior threat chance. She overlooked a chance to reveal an attack on one of Duson's pieces and missed an opportunity to enhance her bishop's mobility. Furthermore, she did not capitalize on a favorable piece exchange and allowed Duson to kick one of her pieces. There was also a missed opportunity for Haast to escape an impending attack and a missed chance for a favorable material exchange. Finally, Haast's move failed to force a specific enemy move and neglected a chance to develop another piece, which could have bolstered her position.

[Date "2024.07.11"]